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Using Veeva tokens in approved email

Learn more about Veeva tokens, and how they can enhance your approved email

Katy Moore avatar
Written by Katy Moore
Updated over 9 months ago

In this article

What are Veeva tokens?

Veeva tokens are a great way to add dynamic information and links to your approved email content, giving you the power to effortlessly tailor each email you send to HCPs. You can add tokens to an email template, email fragment, and template fragment.

Every token consists of a code between 2 curly brackets, for example {{tokenName}}. Veeva recognizes the code as a token and will process it correctly, populating the corresponding information from CRM or enabling the specified behavior during the preparation or sending of the email content from test or live CRM environments.

Good to know!

Veeva tokens in an email template or fragment will only work once sent to Veeva CRM/ Veeva iRep (preview) - or after sending the email to a test email account. Tokens in email content exported as PDF or HTML files from Shaman will remain in their raw form (between 2 curly brackets) as the information is populated from your CRM environment.

Veeva tokens can be split up into the following categories:

  • Personalize: These tokens add specific content from Veeva CRM, mostly related to the account object or user.

  • Custom: These tokens allow custom input by users at the point of sending, eg. a dropdown list or free text field.

  • Veeva-hosted document tokens: These tokens link to related documents uploaded and hosted in Veeva.

  • Functionality: These tokens allow you to add functionality such as “Unsubscribe” or Engage related links.

We have made a handy list of the most commonly used Veeva tokens in each category.

Good to know!

Please note that some of these tokens might not be available in your (Veeva) account. If you have any doubts about what tokens are available to you, or if you need help personalizing tokens in your account, please contact us at

Personalize tokens

These tokens will populate the value from the related field in Veeva CRM. Please check with your local CRM admin that these fields are available and populated.

Good to know!

Make sure that you do not change these tokens as they are correctly formulated as per the below list:




Salutation (client)


For example, 'Mr, Mrs'

Full name (client)


For example, populates with both the first and last name of the client, eg: 'Clare Ackerman'

Title (client)


For example, 'Prof', 'Dr'

First name (client)


This refers to the client's first name, for example, 'Clare'

Last name (client)


This refers to the client's surname, for example, 'Ackerman'

User email



The email address of the sales rep, eg.

User name



Both the first and last name(s) (or surname) of the sales rep/ end user.

User photo



Populates a photo of the sales rep/ end user.

Custom text tokens

These tokens allow the user to select or add custom text, which usually requires some input from the sales rep/ sender of the email.

Good to know!

Make sure that you do not change the syntax of the tokens.




Picklist with dropdown options


You need to change 'option1', 'option2' etc in this token to your preference of text.

The sales rep/ end user can then select one of the options from a dropdown list. The options need to be written between [ ] and each option should be separated with a |.

For Example: {{customText[Good morning|Good afternoon]}} will give a dropdown to select either “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”.

Free text


When using this token, “inputlengthInt” should be replaced with a numerical value referring to the maximum character length of free text allowed.

The sales rep/ end user will then be able to add text in this field up to the maximum character limit.

Example: {{customText(50)}}, would mean that the sales rep/end user can add a maximum of 50 characters.

Free text with default text


The “Length” should be replaced with a numerical value referring to the maximum character length of free text allowed, and “DefaultText” with text that will accompany the free text value.

The sales rep/ end user will be able to add free text, but with this token, the predetermined default text can not be edited by the end user.

Example: {{customText(30|Welcome to Shaman)}} allows the sales rep/ end user to add a maximum of 30 characters, next to the default text “Welcome to Shaman”.

Custom Rich text


This token does not need to be edited, as it creates a rich text area of 400x300 pixels (default). It allows the sales rep/ end user to add free text with some styling options: bold, italic, and underlined, as well as bullet points and numbers.

Free text (required)


This token will ensure that the sales rep/end-user adds some text to this field before they can send it. In CRM, a red message “Text is required” and a red box will show around the field where this token resides to notify the sales rep/end-user that they must add obligatory text before sending. Once they have inputted some text, the red box and “Required” message will disappear.

Picklist with tokens

{{customText[##accTitle## ##accFname## ##accLname##, ##accCredentials##|##accTitle## ##accFname##, ##accCredentials##]}}

Next to a fixed value, you can also create a picklist from dynamic values. In this case, you need to replace the { to # for the tokens inside the customText[] token.

As an example, you can start your email with:

{{customText[Cara|Caro]}} {{accFname}} {{accLname}},

This will ask the user to select between 'Cara' or 'Caro' and then populate the first name and last name of the account and then add a ','

You could also create this version:

{{customText[Cara ##accFname##,|Caro ##accLname##,]}}

This will provide the following options (for Dr. Sarah and Dr. Clinton):

Cara Sarah,

Caro Clinton,

Veeva hosted document tokens

Below you can find an overview of the available tokens to link to Veeva-hosted documents. If you would like to find out more about using document tags, we would recommend you to take a look at this article.

To link email content created in Shaman with a document managed by Veeva, you can add the corresponding document token to the “Actions” field of a button, text, or image, and in some cases (outlined below) with the relevant Veeva document ID. You can find this Veeva DocumentID in the URL when logged in in Vault after /#doc_info/:

You will also need to relate this document to the email template or fragment in Veeva Vault/OnCore Vault (check out this article for more in-depth guidance).




Vault Document Link


You need to change 'VaultDocID' with a document number.

Eg: {{$12345}} will change into a URL to view document 12345.

In Veeva Vault, add as related document.

You can add multiple documents to a template/ fragment.

ISI Document Link


Expands to a URL pointing to a Vault document of type Important Safety Information.

In Veeva Vault, add as: ISI document.

You can add one ISI document to a template/ fragment.

Related Piece Link


Displays a URL to the Vault document associated as the Related Piece.

In Veeva vault, add as: related piece.

You can add one related piece to a template/ fragment.

PI Document Link


Displays a URL to a Prescribing Information Vault document.

In Veeva Vault add as: PI document.

You can add one PI document to a template/ fragment.

Functionality Tokens

There are even more tokens to add functionality. The most common ones are links related to Engage and the unsubscribe link. The engage tokens usually are used in the Engage invite email, which can have a different email type in Veeva Vault.

Make sure that you do not change these tokens.






We would highly recommend that you include this token in every email you send. You could try using it as the URL in hyperlinked text or alternatively in a button.

Template fragment


If you have a footer template available you can use this token. Be sure to add this fragment to the email in Veeva Vault. You can take a look at this article to find out more about working with template fragments. +LINK

Meeting link


This is the link that the HCP can use to join the engage meeting

Add to Calendar


This is the link that the HCP can click to add the event to their calendar

Time of call


This token will show the date and time of the planned Engage meeting

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