We are delighted to present to you our Shaman Hero for the month of July -
Basil Bursheh, Data & Insights Specialist - Gulf Region at NVS APMA/Novartis Innovative Medicine.
Basil has substantial experience managing the content creation of both CLMs and approved email in the Life Sciences industry. Basil has been fundamental in the seamless integration of Shaman in the workflow process of the Gulf Region at Novartis APMA/ Novartis Innovative Medicine. We can´t wait to hear how he utilizes Shaman to save his team time, energy and headaches!
My name is Basil Bursheh and I´m a Data & Insights specialist at Novartis APMA/ Novartis Innovative Medicine working in the Gulf Region. My role consists of managing and creating both CLMs and approved email content as part of a wider strategy of content creation in the Gulf region.
What swayed you to choose our product?
Working with external agencies seemed to be challenging and time-consuming. We recognized the need for an internal solution that would grant our brand team direct access and control over the content, along with the ability to make changes quickly. Shaman was the right choice at the right time.
How have our products and services improved your workflow or made your job easier?
Shaman decreased the time required to create a fully interactive CLM and synchronize it to Veeva Vault easily. Other than that, it has improved the ability of brand teams to make small changes to an already published presentation and re-publish it quickly to the field force team. This has been more efficient than going back and forth to 3rd party agencies.
How did the time-to-market improve?
Time to market has improved by about 80%. With 3rd party agencies, we would follow their SLA to complete the content and HTML files, with Shaman we have complete control over the entire timeline.
How much cost did you save using Shaman? (in%)
How would you rate the overall quality of Shaman?
How easy was it to start using Shaman?
How easy is it to create and update content in Shaman?
How fast is it to create and update content in Shaman?
How likely are you to recommend Shaman to other colleagues?
What do you like most about Shaman?
Very simple and attractive user interface with no complications.
Could you tell us what you think makes a great subject line?
A great subject line is one that captures the attention of the recipient and encourages them to open and engage with the content.
What is your favorite feature for CLMs and why?
Link Templates, having the ability to create a template out of position and navigation links and simply assign them to other slides where you have the same links saves a lot of time while designing the presentation.
What is the CLM feature you most use in Shaman and why?
The duplicate button. This is handy when you want to duplicate the same CLM presentation across multiple markets and make slight changes that are relevant and approved for each market, then simply synchronize with Veeva Vault. I can't imagine how time-consuming it was to upload multiple market HTML files into Veeva Vault manually, updating metadata for each binder and multichannel slide. Just duplicate in Shaman and update the Veeva information. Amazing!
Could you tell us about a challenge that you were able to overcome using the features in Shaman?
Veeva Synchronization has made our life easy and saved a lot of time in uploading the content to Veeva, previously we had to upload the HTML files into a binder and name every slide manually in Veeva Vault. Shaman has solved this by integrating everything in one place.
What services currently not available in Shaman would you like us to provide? Eg creation of content, localization, design services, etc
Integration of video calls in the chat box that would enable us to talk to the support team and present the screen for further support.
Do you think our Help Center is a useful resource? If so, which articles would be on your must-read list?
The help center basically has it all in one place, I really like how structured the content in the help center is and I always advise the brand teams to check out the help center and they would find the answers they are looking for. On my must-read, I would recommend the "Adding Interaction elements" section as it contains a lot of information about different interaction elements that can be utilized within a presentation, such as Audio, Video, Animation as well as Scroll elements which could be very useful for long text with a slide.
As a top user, you must have met our support team by now. How has your experience been contacting them since you started using Shaman?
The support team is always helpful in finding shortcuts and solutions to any difficulties we face during the content creation process in Shaman, they are always polite and respond to our queries quickly.
The human behind the hero
What is your dream vacation destination?
Vienna, Austria
Tell us about a good book you have read lately
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Alan Singer
What do you like to do when you´re not creating content?
Playing the Piano and Guitar, video games, and watching series.
If you missed our previous editions of the Shaman Hero series, take a look here