In this article:
What do we mean by setting your Veeva information?
To make your email content available for your field force to use in Veeva CRM, you need to sync your email content from Shaman to Veeva Vault, and from Veeva Vault to CRM. In order to do this, you need to enter the required Veeva information to make sure that the sync is successful.
Good to know!
Depending on whether you are syncing email templates or email fragments, the required information to successfully sync to Veeva Vault will vary. In this article, we will take you through setting the email details for both email templates and email fragments.
Setting the email details for email templates
So you have created an email template and are now ready to sync it to Veeva Vault. The first fields to review are the following (which were set when the email template was created).
Name: a free text field to enter the name of the email template. Maximum 100 characters.
Library tags: You can create a tag that is specific to a project, team, or even team member, and then add this tag to each piece of email content (both email templates and fragments) to easily manage all email content related to that tag. Find out more here.
Brand: select a Product/Brand from the dropdown list available.
Language: select a language from the dropdown list available.
Preview: Once your email fragment has a design, it will be visible in this large preview thumbnail. If you have not yet created a design, you will see a placeholder image “waiting for design”.
Veeva Status:
Latest approved version: Once the email fragment has been synced to Veeva Vault and approved, the latest approved version will appear here.
Status latest version: Once the email fragment has been synced to Veeva Vault, the latest version will show here. If the email fragment has not yet been exported to Veeva Vault, it will show as “never synced”.
Veeva ID: An ID number automatically populated from Veeva Vault. If the fragment has not yet been exported, it will show as “non-existing”.
Then you can take a look at the “First impression” section.
Subject line*: Here you can define the subject line of your email template (free text field). You can easily add Veeva tokens by using the “Merge tags” dropdown and selecting a token from the list available.
Good to know!
You will notice that Shaman generates three alternative subject line suggestions once you have entered some text into the subject line field. You can review these AI generated alternatives and click to select or edit them.
Pre header: Here you can add some additional text to complement your subject line. This is an optional field.
It is now possible to add Custom text Veeva Picklist tokens with dropdown options (eg. {{customText[option1|option2]}}) to the preheader field for approved email content.
When including a custom text token with dropdown options in the Preheader, Shaman inserts a script that reveals the dropdown option when sending the Email from CRM (Directly in the browser or Veeva CRM on iPad) but hides it when the Email has been sent. This allows the rep to select the appropriate pre-header without the need to show the text in the Email body.
Preview: Click here to preview how the subject line (and pre-header if applicable) will look in both mobile and desktop views.
Veeva Details
Description: A free-text optional field where you can add a description to your email fragment. This is an optional field.
Country: Select a country from the dropdown list available.
Template fragment: Here you can select a previously created Template fragment. Check out this article to find out more information on template fragments.
Email fields
From name* - This field determines who the email will show as being sent from.
You can click “End user” to enable a Veeva token {{userName}} that will automatically populate this field with the name of the end user (also known as a sales rep or field force).
Good to know!
To see how Veeva tokens will show to your recipient, they must be tested from your CRM environment.
From email* - This field determines the email address that will show as the sender of the email. You can click “End user” to enable a Veeva token {{userEmailAddress}} that will automatically populate this field with the email address of the end user.
Reply to name* - This field determines the email name that any replies from the recipients will contain as the person of contact in the email. You can click “End user” to enable a Veeva token {{userName}} that will automatically populate this field with the name of the end user.
Reply to email* - This field determines the email address that any replies from the recipients will be sent. You can click “End user” to enable a Veeva token {{userEmailAddress}} that will automatically populate this field with the email address of the end user.
BCC email - here it is possible to add an additional email address to be included in the BCC of the email.
An email fragment is a piece of content displayed in the body of the email. They can be arranged by the user to tailor the email to their needs. Like approved emails, email fragments are stored and managed in Veeva Vault to ensure compliance. We would recommend you take a look at this article for more information on email fragments.
Click "change fragments" to view a list of email fragments available to use in your email template.
Simply click the email fragments you need to select them. To save your selection, click the green "Confirm" button.
Good to know!
Once the fragment is exported from Shaman or synced with Vault, you can add it to an email template in Shaman. If it has not been exported from Shaman, it will not be visible in your list of available email fragments to add.
Veeva external viewable document: In this section, you can attach a related piece to your email fragment. We recommend you take a look at this article to find out specific information about working with related pieces in Shaman.
Here you can view all previously saved versions of your email content. Take a look at this article for more information.
And that´s it! Your email template is ready for the next step if the approval process - creating an MLR document or exporting it to Veeva.
Setting the email details for email fragments
Setting the email details for email fragments is even quicker and easier than completing the information for email templates!
You can find all of the same sections to complete as with email templates, excluding the email fields and first impression section.